Saturday, 19 June 2010

I am not an artist. I am someone who draws.

We had our end of college exhibition yesterday.
Everyone was dressed up and I was necking free wine and in overdrive because I'm like a puppy when I first meet people, which is a bit pathetic really.
And everytime someone went near my work I thought I was going to be sick.
And a couple of times I had to reign myself in from crying.

My entire life I thought I was good at art. It's soul crushing to realise you've wasted two years trying to do it at a more professional level, only to realise you're no good.

The saddest thing was people didn't have the decency to lie. They could have at least said "it's good". They didn't have to skirt around saying "that's interesting".

I've always though artists were pretentious. I only wanted to draw and write. Somehow I went off track.

He didn't understand when I came home and cried until I was nearly sick.

I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself now.

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