Monday, 1 March 2010

Feel the mattress tense beneath me.

Ironically, since I have decided to go on to do a degree in Creative Writing and not art, I have really gotten back into art, although this is probably since I feel relieved of pressure, it's become more of a joy than a chore again.

I have started using my Deviant Art account again, although at the moment it's just some of my photos, college work and album art for a friend, I hope to get more illustration up soon. I'm really not a photographer, I just have a good eye for composition. Although I really do find pictures of roses to be cliche and overdone, here is my latest photo for my college work, I really love the overkill of pink and the composition of the polka dot table cloth.

You can find my current art at :
And some of my older art at:

Scrape you're knee it's only skin, makes the sounds of violins.

*Grumble* My wisdom teeth are coming through and it feels like there are tiny drills in my mouth. Darn teeth, they're not making me any wiser!!

Very excited. Joanna Newsom has a new album out called "Have One On Me.", although I am slightly dubious as the title would lead me to believe she is moving into a more mainstream route instead of her haunting, cat voiced, ethereal folk routes. I read today that the album is something like 2 hours long stretched over three discs, this seems pretty promising to me, as it is supposedly filled with some longer songs than that of "The Milk Eyed Mender", which was brilliant in it's own right, but it's the longer songs such as "Only Skin" of "Y's" which still captivate me. Her lyrics are poetic majesty mixed in with her brilliantly arranged songs that create a whimsical musical landscape.