Tuesday, 26 January 2010

When I'm tired.

When I'm tired my knees really hurt. My knees have been hurting for 5 days now. I keep waking up in the night thinking it's morning. You'd think I'm anxious about something, but I'm really not. I'm up and down a lot.

Here's what I wore today. Pretty casual. Just me having fun in the library.


Also, definitely listen to this song.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Too Drunk To Fuck.

Obsessive Compulsive Nightmare.

I cannot live in all this shit and dirt and mess.
But I'm too in love with everything to do anything about anything.

I need some sunshine.

And a room nicely organised by grid method.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Art, Nudes and Nantes.

Hoorah hoorah, college has finally become interesting.
I am first and foremost an illustrator, but I am dipping my toe in the pretentious pool of fine art and loving it. I am going to make body casts of women's torsos. I completely adore the female form and it's the only way I can make a project based on scupture and 3D interesting. I can't wait to start working on it! Also, tomorrow we have a full day of life drawing, which is pretty much my idea of a brilliant day. Coffee, iPod in and sketching for a whole day. Lush.

Here is a song makes me fall over myself with love for it.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

The garden that you planted.

So, we've had some snow, and I had to leave college early (I wish that made a change from usual) before the trains stopped running just before lunch. We're meant to have a lot more snow, and I honestly really wish I could get excited about it but I hate that feeling of being shut off from everyone, most of my friends are a car ride away and The Boy is a train ride away. Oh wah woe is me.

Just a couple of photos I took a while back.

Monday, 4 January 2010


So, I found this a while ago on a site I totally had forgotten ever existed (http://www.booooooom.com). For the first time in ages I was swept up in that kind of childlike magic that I used to be consumed with when I played Let's Pretend for days on end. Like this one time, I must have been about 10, it was the summer and my friend's mum had to work each day, so my friend would come and stay for the day, although sometimes she's stay for nights too, nights and nights. We'd pretend we were fairies, for six whole weeks. It was magic. I think I actually started to believe I was a fairy. I'm getting off subject. The point is, this website started a project to get people making forts, like I'm sure we all did when we were kids. The forts are inspired by the beautifully aestheticly filmed Where The Wild Things Are. Here are just a few of my favourites: